Before you ask no he didn't see my blog, shame really but hey that's life we had a decent chat there were a few moments were i wasn't sure what to say, it was only after speaking to my mum that i realised how long it had been since i had seen him properly. 7 months
The most obvious question i had to ask was where are you?
Second are u going to see your gran children?
A few moments later i did get a response
we will wait and see if he keeps to his decision.
I thank god everyday that i have my mum who is a strong mature adult and deserves the title MOTHER.
My sister who is very wise and loved by everyone who has the fortune to know her.
My brothers granted we don't see each other very often but knowing that your happy and safe is enough.
Miles apart but always in my heart and thoughts
When did the children become the adults and the parents become the children.
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