Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I'm beginning  to wander which is more stressful being a parent of a newborn/toddler or of a teenager i guess the answer would be both. I'm soon to have both situations yay me, i thank god for my family.

Out of all the jobs out there we have the most stressful.

Everybody has a invisible barrier that once you cross theres no going back, a few people have crossed my barrier and i no longer consider them a friend.
sorry it was your choice and you made it, deal with it i have.
sadly with family though they always get  another chance, lucky streak i guess but when does that luck run out.

wish life could be simple but if it was simple it would be boring.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baby bump

I keep getting asked if i will put a photo on the internet of my baby bump so here it is
5 months and counting due in September. 

Monday, May 16, 2011


Why is being a parent so hard?
Where do you draw the line?
When do you decide to let them go it alone?

"What happens if " is a common thought which occurs in every parents head, whether its from the time of your birth to the time you leave home and for most the amount of  times you return home.
This isn't something that you enter into lightly,  anybody who thinks being a parent is easy is either in denial or a fool.

I give a big thumbs up every parent and step- parent who takes on this responsibly and sticks with it.
There have been a through times with my step-child where i have wanted to draw the line but i have thought she's  young and i have given her another chance but the older she gets the harder it becomes,  its her decision at the end of the day but i will say this,  once that decision has been made there's no going back, anybody who knows me properly knows what  i'm saying.

As far as letting them going it alone they will spread their wings when they are ready and they will  stumble a few times which is expected but they won't learn if they don't try,  i learn't this from someone very special to me

Note:  two my two teenage daughters and my unborn child, my love for you will at times be tested but will never go away. xxxxx  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Time to decide.

I try to look at the glass has being half full, i don't always succeed but at least i try.

I don't understand the point in being negative about everything not looking around you and seeing the positive signs which surround us.
Family and friends who do nothing but give their love and support regardless of their own situations.
but the biggest response i've found is when it comes from a complete stranger who knows nothing about you these are the most remarkable people to me,  they aren't afraid to show a little compassion.

We all have it in us to be these remarkable people it's to you to decide whether you think it's worth it.

I see everyday situations and i have random thoughts which i must write down.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

20 week scan

Not long had my 20 week scan and all signs are pointing towards a  BABY BOY just got think of some names all suggestions welcome.....